Creativity in the time of high stress

First I decided to move.  Then my boss scheduled a business tour of the mid-west... Our flight home occured hours before the moving truck arrived.  Then my landlord decided he wanted me out sooner than agreed on so he could show the place (didn't happen).  I had to scramble to eliminate all traces of the cat and call Kitty Disneyland (my parents) to see if they could take him a few extra days...  Then one of my nearest and dearest friends decided to have a wine-tour/St. Patrick's themed birthday party the weekend before said business trip... which of course I couldn't miss...

So what did I decide to do in the midst of boxes and packing and the chaos that was my life last month?  SEW!  Sew what you ask?

this fancy-dancy Anthropology top...

Somewhere along the line this year I told myself if I can make it, I don't buy it.  And this was certainly an attempt... About $20 in fabric/zippers compared to a lot more at Anthropologie.  No pattern, just my purty little eyes.  I purposely eliminated the pockets.  If given the opportunity, I'd like to redo the vertical stripes at the bottom of the garment.. but that's for another time and another day... Much bigger things on my plate now...

But here I am... Blowing off steam...
On a party bus.. probably 3 wineries in.  All the kids were doing it.
It felt good. 


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