Area Rugs


(sheepish wave)

Remember me?  Are you still there? 

I am and I'm sorry for abandoning you...  I am working on a comeback (more on that later - see?  I'm already trying incentivize you into coming back!)

But for now....  I want to share with you something I stumbled upon today.  Amy Butler Rugs. 
This one...

looks strikingly similar to my living room curtains:

(Would that be too matchy matchy?)

But what I REALLY love is this rug...
Oh... some day...Her stuff is so dang cute... 

Seriously.. check back again soon..  My plan is to return to regular posting in the near future..  Life's been a little ... oh, how do you say it...?  off-balance?   Yes.  Very off-balance and I'm working on rebalancing things...

Stay tuned!!



Katie said...

I LOVE the top rug...and the bottom, but the top one pinched my heart:)

tsouth said...

I really love these rugs! They are super cute! I just love area rugs and I really like these ones because they would be perfect for my dorm room! Love your blog too by the way! :)

tsouth said...

I really love these rugs! They are super cute! I just love area rugs and I really like these ones because they would be perfect for my dorm room! Love your blog too by the way! :)

Anne-tastic! said...

Hi Tsouth! Thanks for stopping by and commenting. The blog has been on the back burner for the last few months, but its heating up again. I hope you come back again!

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